UncorrelaTEd is the acronym of the H2020 European Union project Solid-liquid thermoelectric (TE) systems with uncorrelated properties. This project aims at reaching unprecedented improvements in the heat-to-electricity energy conversion efficiency employing (TE) materials.
One of the main problems of the TE technology is the adverse correlation that exists between the properties that determine how good a TE material is. These properties are the Seebeck coefficient (S), the electrical conductivity (σ), and the thermal conductivity (λ). Specially difficult is to break the correlation between S and σ. UncorrelaTEd will achieve this introducing a new concept in thermoelectricity, which is based on the combination of a TE solid material with a tactically designed electrolyte (liquid with ions), bringing together thermoelectricity and electrochemistry.
UncorrelaTEd concept will be implemented in different families of TE materials (bismuth telluride alloys, oxides, and polymers), and will potentially lead to an extraordinarily powerful technology with unprecedented efficiencies in the heat-to-electricity energy conversion. UncorrelaTEd outcomes will enable the TE technology to be implemented in many areas, such as self-powered sensors for the internet of things, empowering the elimination of batteries, textiles, factories, and power plants.
UncorrelaTEd is funded by the H2020 European Programme, under the Future and Emerging Technologies Open (FET-Open) Scheme, Challenging Current Thinking, corresponding to a Research and Innovation Action.
Project duration
From 1 January 2020
to 31 December 2023
Scientific disciplines
- thermoelectricity
- electrochemistry
- inorganic chemistry
- organic chemistry
- ionic liquids
- computational simulations
- Universitat Jaume I
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- University of Warwick
- Solvionic
- Specific Polymers

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 863222.
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