Sergio Castro-Ruiz from UJI completes his thesis

Congratulations to Sergio Castro-Ruiz for his successfully defended PhD thesis at UJI, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design, focusing on the implementation of electrochemical strategies in porous materials for the conversion of heat into electricity with thermoelectric materials and thermogalvanic cells. This is the third thesis within the UncorrelaTEd project. It can be accessed here. 

New publications

A new article has been published by the UJI team: Evaluation of in-plane architecture in a thermo-electrochemical cell with nanostructured and porous Sb:SnO2 electrodes. Also, last year IREC team published another article that we forgot to highlight: Identification of the most influential variables on the power generation of an automotive thermoelectric generator through a global … Read more New publications

Two new publications

The UJI team has recetly published two new publications related to a novel electrode in thermo-electrochemcial cells and to a new technique to measure the thermal conductivity of liquids: S. Castro-Ruiz, J. García-Cañadas. Nanostructured and porous antimony-doped tin oxide as electrode material for the heat-to-electricity energy conversion in thermo-electrochemical cells. Electrochemistry Communications 161 (2024) 107683. doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2024.107683 V. Mendiola-Curto, B. … Read more Two new publications

New patent

The Universitat Jaume I team has recently patented the parallel combination of electronic conductors with redox electrolytes to increase the thermoelectric performance: J. García-Cañadas, L. Márquez-García, M. Solis-de la Fuente, S. Castro-Ruiz. Thermoelectric devices influenced by redox species. Spanish patent ES2934182 B2 (30/11/2023).