New publications

Two new articles containing project results have been recently published. The first one in Applied Surface Engineering by KTH team is titled Electrophoretic assembly and electronic transport properties of rapidly synthesized Sb2Te3 nanoparticles. The second one was published in Sustainable Energy & Fuels by the Universitat Jaume I team and is titled Power factor improvement in a solid–liquid thermoelectric system … Read more New publications

New journal publication

A new article containing project results has been recently published in the Journal of Applied Physics by the University of Warwick team. Its title is Computationally efficient Monte Carlo electron transport algorithm for nanostructured thermoelectric material configurations. It is open access and it can be read here.

New publications

Two new articles containing project results have been recently published. The first one in Crystals by the University of Warwick team is titled Electron and hole mobility of SnO2 from full-band electron–phonon and ionized impurity scattering computations. The second one is a conference paper from the 2022 International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) by the … Read more New publications

New journal publication

A new article containing project results has been recently published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. It involves KTH and University of Warwick teams. Its title is Thermoelectric Inks and Power Factor Tunability in Hybrid Films through All Solution Process. It is open access and it can be read here.