Visit to UJI of André Pereira (University of Porto)

In the last week of January, the Universitat Jaume I team welcomed Dr. André Pereira to spend a few days at its premises. André was the coordinator of the H2020 FET-Open project WipTherm. The researcher Joana Teixeira also came with him and during their visit both teams analysed ionic thermoelectric supercapacitors and discussed ideas and … Read more Visit to UJI of André Pereira (University of Porto)

Seminar at Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy)

Dr. Jorge García-Cañadas was invited on the 16th of January to give a seminar at the Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche at the Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Modena, Italy). He presented in the seminar titled ‘Connecting thermoelectricity and electrochemistry to convert heat into electricity‘ some of the results achieved … Read more Seminar at Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy)

New patent

The Universitat Jaume I team has recently patented the parallel combination of electronic conductors with redox electrolytes to increase the thermoelectric performance: J. García-Cañadas, L. Márquez-García, M. Solis-de la Fuente, S. Castro-Ruiz. Thermoelectric devices influenced by redox species. Spanish patent ES2934182 B2 (30/11/2023).

Hazal Batili from KTH completes her thesis

Congratulations to Hazal Batili for her successfully defended PhD thesis last month at KTH, Department of Applied Physics, Nanochemistry group, focusing on the synthesis, electrophoretic deposition and characterisation of nanostructured bismuth telluride materials. The thesis can be accessed here. 

This year’s conferences

Along this year, project results have been presented in different conferences. The UJI team showed results at: In the last conference, the UW and KTH team also attended and presented results. The details of all the presentations can be seen in the Documents section.