Animated video to explain the UncorrelaTEd project
A very nice animated video has been produced by the Universitat Jaume I to explain the concept of the UncorrelaTEd project. Enjoy it!! (click the post title to watch it).
H2020 FET Open | Solid-liquid thermoelectric systems with uncorrelated properties
A very nice animated video has been produced by the Universitat Jaume I to explain the concept of the UncorrelaTEd project. Enjoy it!! (click the post title to watch it).
The team at the Computational Nanotechnology Lab (The University of Wawick) has constructed the first version of the simulator that will be able to simulate UncorrelaTEd devices. In this initial version, it can be simulated the electrical conductivity of a porous material. More additions will be implemented along the project. The Matlab code can be … Read more Simulator constructed
Congratulations to Bejan Hamawandi for his successfully defended PhD thesis at KTH, Department of Applied Physics, Nanochemistry group, focusing on green chemical synthesis of thermoelectric materials. The thesis can be accessed here.
Last Friday, TESLab participated in The European Researchers’ Night, whose aim is to approach science to citizenship. Within The European Researchers’ Night, Universitat Jaume I works together with other universities and institutions in the Mediterranean Night of Women Researchers (MEDNIGHT 2021), which organised during the evening of the 24th of September different outreach activities at … Read more Dissemination of the UncorrelaTEd project at the European Researchers’ Night
The first journal publication of the project has been recently published by the KTH team. Its title is Minute-Made, High-Efficiency Nanostructured Bi2Te3 via High-Throughput Green Solution Chemical Synthesis. It is open access and it can be read here. More results will come soon.